
  MinuteProject是一个能够一次性生成源码的反转工程(reverse-engineering) 工具,也就是代码生成器,它能够产生各种开源堆栈的应用代码,后端根据已经存在数据表产生的代码包括: Hibernate, JPA, JPA2, springframework. REST: JEE-jersey, CXF, springMVC.等等;前端代码包括Openxava, Grails, Play. Methodology: FitNesse.还有: vaadin, jsf-primefaces, jooq, rails等


1. 在解压后的项目/bin/start-console.cmd 或start-console.sh 启动GUI,如下图:

你可以选择你使用的数据库,目前支持下面几种:Oracle; DB2; Mysql; hsqldb; derby。

填写好数据库连接,比如mysql是:jdbc:mysql://,其中 test是你建立的数据库名称,输入用户名和密码,schema是已经存在的一个数据表,MinuteProject将根据这个表结构产生相应的模型和DAO代码。

roo package是指你的代码的包名,比如com.jdon,模型名称是你的业务模型名称,比如Order或Product等等。


  • Maven Spring Hibernate (advanced DAO)
  • Maven Spring JPA/Hibernate (advanced DAO)
  • FitNesse
  • Spring/Hibernate (standard)
  • Spring/JPA/Hibernate (standard)
  • Spring/iBatis (standard)
  • OpenXava
  • Grails
  • Play
  • JPA2
  • JSF-primefaces
  • WS-JEE





<!DOCTYPE root>

<generator-config xmlns="http://minuteproject.sf.net/xsd/mp-config"




              <model name="Hello" version="1.0" package-root="com.jdon.demo">



                <driver name="mysql" version="5.0.5" groupId="mysql" artifactId="mysql-connector-java"></driver>                                               







                              <!-- autoincrement primary key                         -->


                                   <primaryKeyPolicyPattern name="autoincrementPattern" ></primaryKeyPolicyPattern>






                                   <condition type="exclude" startsWith="SYS_ADMIN"></condition>



                            <business-package default="model">

                                   <condition type="package" startsWith="TB_" result="other"></condition>



                            <!-- Enrichment gives extra information that can be used by the template

                                    Ex: one concept such as indicating that an entity contains master data can trigger specific artifact generation on multiple level:

                                        - specific DAO,

                                        - cache configuration,

                                        - presentation navigation behaviour (access to the entity via drop down list and not classical affection Sub Use Case)

                                        - enumeration (strong typing) in some cases

                                        - sql constraint statement in some cases     

                                    Enrichment   can target entities, fields, business package



                                <!-- content-type enrichment -->

                                   <entity name="CATEGORY" content-type="reference-data" >

                                      <!-- TODO semantic reference -->





                                   <!-- constraining a field -->




              <!-- change your catalog entry with one of the track -->

              <targets catalog-entry="JOOQ"/>





其中targets catalog-entry="JOOQ"是选择你生成代码的架构类型,这里是JOOQ。


model-generation.cmd Hello.xml



public interface TestuserDao {


     * Inserts a Testuser entity

     * @param Testuser testuser


    public void insertTestuser(Testuser testuser) ;



     * Inserts a list of Testuser entity

     * @param List<Testuser> testusers


    public void insertTestusers(List<Testuser> testusers) ;



     * Updates a Testuser entity

     * @param Testuser testuser


    public Testuser updateTestuser(Testuser testuser) ;



     * Updates a Testuser entity with only the attributes set into Testuser.

        * The primary keys are to be set for this method to operate.

        * This is a performance friendly feature, which remove the udibiquous full load and full update when an

        * update is to be done

   * Remark: The primary keys cannot be update by this methods, nor are the attributes that must be set to null.

   * @param Testuser testuser


    public int updateNotNullOnlyTestuser(Testuser testuser) ;


       public int updateNotNullOnlyPrototypeTestuser(Testuser testuser, Testuser prototypeCriteria);



     * Saves a Testuser entity

     * @param Testuser testuser


    public void saveTestuser(Testuser testuser);



     * Deletes a Testuser entity

     * @param Testuser testuser


    public void deleteTestuser(Testuser testuser) ;



     * Loads the Testuser entity which is related to an instance of

     * Testuser

     * @param Long id

     * @return Testuser The Testuser entity


    public Testuser loadTestuser(Long id);



     * Loads the Testuser entity which is related to an instance of

     * Testuser

     * @param java.lang.String Userid

     * @return Testuser The Testuser entity


    public Testuser loadTestuser(java.lang.String userid);   



     * Loads a list of Testuser entity

     * @param List<java.lang.String> userids

     * @return List<Testuser> The Testuser entity


    public List<Testuser> loadTestuserListByTestuser (List<Testuser> testusers);



     * Loads a list of Testuser entity

     * @param List<java.lang.String> userids

     * @return List<Testuser> The Testuser entity


    public List<Testuser> loadTestuserListByUserid(List<java.lang.String> userids);



     * Loads the Testuser entity which is related to an instance of

     * Testuser and its dependent one to many objects

     * @param Long id

     * @return Testuser The Testuser entity


    public Testuser loadFullFirstLevelTestuser(java.lang.String userid);



     * Loads the Testuser entity which is related to an instance of

     * Testuser

     * @param Testuser testuser

     * @return Testuser The Testuser entity


    public Testuser loadFullFirstLevelTestuser(Testuser testuser);   




     * Loads the Testuser entity which is related to an instance of

     * Testuser and its dependent objects one to many

     * @param Long id

     * @return Testuser The Testuser entity


    public Testuser loadFullTestuser(Long id) ;



     * Searches a list of Testuser entity based on a Testuser containing Testuser matching criteria on the positive mask

     * @param Testuser testuser

     * @return List<Testuser>


    public List<Testuser> searchPrototypeTestuser(Testuser testuser) ;




     * Searches a list of Testuser entity based on a Testuser containing Testuser matching criteria on any field

     * @param Testuser testuser

     * @return List<Testuser>


    public List<Testuser> searchPrototypeAnyTestuser(Testuser testuser) ;


    public List<Testuser> find (Testuser testuser, EntityMatchType matchType, OperandType operandType, Boolean caseSensitivenessType) ;



     * Searches a list of Testuser entity based on a list of Testuser containing Testuser matching criteria

     * @param List<Testuser> testusers

     * @return List<Testuser>


    public List<Testuser> searchPrototypeTestuser(List<Testuser> testusers) ;   



     * Searches a list of Testuser entity

     * @param Testuser testuser

     * @return List


    public List<Testuser> searchPrototypeTestuser(Testuser testuserPositive, Testuser testuserNegative) ;

