

raimundo说的没错。我补充一点,就是Class.forName(String className)是用调用了Class.forName(String className)这个方法的类的ClassLoader来加载className类的。因为确省情况下程序中的类都是由System ClassLoader来加载的,所以ClassLoader.forName()也用System ClassLoader来加载类。每个线程对象在创建的时候都确省用System ClassLoader作为context ClassLoader,所以Thread.getContextClassLoader()通常也返回System ClassLoader,除非手动设置Thread.setContextClassLoader()。




SOrry for my broken english, but typing english is mush faster for me.

According to javadoc,
Class.forName(String) is " equivalent to:
Class.forName(className, true, currentLoader)
where currentLoader denotes the defining class loader of the current class. " And obviously sometimes it is not equivalent to the context class loader of the current thread.

According to following URL: http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Networking/classloaders/
"A thread's context class loader is, by default, set to the context class loader of the thread's parent. The hierarchy of threads is rooted at the primordial thread (the one that runs the program). The context class loader of the primordial thread is set to the class loader that loaded the application. The thread's context class loader will be the application's class loader. This loader is used by the Java runtime in the Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) to load classes on behalf of the user application."

My feeling is that a lot of designs make use of this charactor of "context class loader" to pass a special classloader to all of the child processes. But "context class loader" is not designed for this, it primarily enables a class loaded from network to be able to load classes using the application's classloader instead of the network classloader which may not be a child of the applications's class loader.

So we should avoid using context class loader.

SOrry for my broken english, but typing english is mush faster for me.

According to javadoc,
Class.forName(String) is " equivalent to:
Class.forName(className, true, currentLoader)
where currentLoader denotes the defining class loader of the current class. " And obviously sometimes it is not equivalent to the context class loader of the current thread.

According to following URL: http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Networking/classloaders/
"A thread's context class loader is, by default, set to the context class loader of the thread's parent. The hierarchy of threads is rooted at the primordial thread (the one that runs the program). The context class loader of the primordial thread is set to the class loader that loaded the application. The thread's context class loader will be the application's class loader. This loader is used by the Java runtime in the Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) to load classes on behalf of the user application."

My feeling is that a lot of designs make use of this charactor of "context class loader" to pass a special classloader to all of the child processes. But "context class loader" is not designed for this, it primarily enables a class loaded from network to be able to load classes using the application's classloader instead of the network classloader which may not be a child of the applications's class loader.

So we should avoid using context class loader.

这个帖子提出了调用Class.forName出现ClassLoders not Found的问题。


Thread Context Class Loader
It's also possible to try to resolve class loading problems by using the Java Thread API to obtain a class loader
programmatically. Section of the J2EE 1.3 specification requires all J2EE containers to support the use
of the getContextClassLoader() method on java.util.Thread.
The J2EE specification isn't entirely clear regarding context class loading. However, the intent appears to be
to allow portable classes, such as value objects, to load application classes in whatever container (such as
EJB or web container) they may run in. In practice, the context class loader appears to be in the context of the
current container. To clarify this behavior, let's consider the effect of the following two calls, made by a helper
class that is loaded by the EJB class loader but used in both EJBs and classes running in the web container:
o Class.forName (classname): Will use the class loader of the helper class: in this case, the EJB class
loader. This means that, if the EJB class loader is the parent of the WAR class loader, the helper will
never be able to load classes in the WAR by name.
o Class.forName(classname, true, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()):
Wi l l use the current container's class loader. This means that the helper will behave differently
wherever it is running. If the EJB class loader is the parent of the WAR class loader, when the helper
is used in the EJB container, it will only be able to load EJB classes and classes loaded by higher class
loaders. If the helper is used in the WAR, it will be able to load WAR classes as well.
Many frameworks, such as Web Work, use this approach to avoid problems caused by hierarchical class loading.
However, it's not usually required in application code, which should normally only load classes by name using an
abstraction layer that should conceal any use of the context class loader.

Class.forName(String clz);


如果ClassLoader(1)“等于”ClassLoader(2),那么这里的使用Class.forName(String clz)和ClassLoader(2).loadClass(String clz)就是等价的。


即调用Class.forName(String clz)的语句所在的类的装载器不一定就是当前线程使用的类装载器。



wangzhiliang 的原因也一语中的。

在tomcat中第一行打出的是class org.apache.catalina.loader.StandardClassLoader
class org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader

Jeff Hanson says that "By building a classloading component container framework that isolates Java class loading to a specified jar file, you can be confident that the runtime will load the component versions you expect." This can be a problem in J2EE environments, so understanding it is useful.

Take Control of Class Loading in Java :

