

<% // The category ID might be passed into this page:
long categoryID = ParamUtils.getLongParameter(request,"cat",-1L);
// If the category is -1, try loading the category id from the session. This way,
// the user will return to the category they used to be on:
if (categoryID == -1L) {
try {
categoryID = Long.parseLong((String)session.getAttribute("jive.category.id"));
catch (NumberFormatException ignored) {}

// If the category ID is -1, the initial category will be the root category:
ForumCategory category = null;
if (categoryID <= forumFactory.getRootForumCategory().getID()) {
category = forumFactory.getRootForumCategory();
else {
category = forumFactory.getForumCategory(categoryID);
// Store the category ID in the session. If the user returns to this page, they'll see
// the category they were on:
session.setAttribute("jive.category.id", String.valueOf(category.getID()));
// Load the root category
ForumCategory rootCategory = forumFactory.getRootForumCategory();
int totalDepth = rootCategory.getRecursiveCategoryCount();
boolean oneCategoryLevel = (totalDepth - category.getCategoryCount()) == 0;