Coolyu0916 新年好,想不到过年了,你还在关心这些问题,前面我的观点主要是想表达OO的优点,针对目前国内现状,个人认为不是OO过度,而是OO不够,所以才力推倡导OO,但是具体问题具体研究,特别是性能问题依然是我们必须面对的现实技术问题,OO设计和性能实现经常是一对矛盾,需要把握平衡和适度。





印象里至少Robert C. Martin是极力反对用模拟现实比喻OO的,在C++风起云涌的最初几年,人们最津津乐道的就是C++的继承、多态与现实世界的随处可见的对应关系,一切都那么美好,但后来证明事实并非如此,对象系统与现实世界决非自然的对应关系,甚至是扭曲的。否则,一个需要花费巨大心血的模型根本就不需要演化得来,软件专家可以让位于领域专家了。

[该贴被saaya于2007年05月22日 06:52修改过]

To Coolyu0916


In computer science, one layer increase the generosity but more or less reduce the performance. as to how much, it depends on how this layer is implemented.

I used to imagine if without Relational DB, the project has much lower risk than today.

But it seems currently, till today, the Object-Oriented DB cannot
break the monopoly. Two reasons:
1.DBA doesn't accept new technique
2.Object-oriented DB technique bottleneck
3.the rule makers in DB domain don't want to lose the RDB market. no interest to reinvest.

Hibernate is not so ideal as the bridge between OO and Relational DB.
1. long learning curve
2. performance issue ,specially in insert.
3. not so maintable

Performance is still a issue till today for some real-time software in Finance Domain. It goes without doubt the investor cannot tolerate their agent proving a "money-lost" platform due
to the performance issue.

but for the normal web application , if no big volumn requests in the same time, it should be ok.

I think everybody should be clear about the purpose of your task.
1. you belong to which layer programmer
if you are application level programmer, you should concentrate on how to deliver the application meeting the business requirment including the performance demand if there are.
Then you look for the "methodology and tools" to reach that goal in most economic way.
So OO is just a fundemental "methodology". for a big project,more things need to be considered for an architecture.
Relatively speaking, the real big project can hardly find some well known patterns to fit.
if you belong to the meta level programmer
if you are developing middleware or tools to ease the job of the application layer programmers, then the algorithm counts a lot.
Imagine: two JMS servers, why one is faster and more throughput than the other. The difference will not stand in your OO design.
Because OO design doesnt renovate sth but only organize sth in its best way.

all the current web layer frameworks are more or less same.
They dont make a innovation change in programming world.
it is not a revolution from procedure to OO.

we are human beings. Once we know a framework which can reach the goal, we are rarely willing to learn the similiar one.

EJB can realize everything in Spring but it depends on how you use it and it depends on how much time you need to reach that goal.
if it is too much, people will naturely incline to the Spring.
for example EJB can realize interceptors via dynamic proxy.
but EJB container has sth that spring can never have.
The cluster solution, which is super important for big project.

[该贴被shanghaimin于2007年05月30日 19:44修改过]
[该贴被shanghaimin于2007年05月30日 19:45修改过]


to oxygen

如果对象创建慢了就用placement new试试,不行再加上freeList。
[该贴被tearoffhu于2009-06-15 15:25修改过]