



As a bonus, POJOs have these other important benefits:

Easier development—There is less cognitive load because rather than being forced to think about everything—business logic, persistence, transactions etc.—at once you can instead focus on one thing at a time. You can first design and implement the business logic and then, once that is working, you can deal with persistence and transactions.
Faster development—You can develop and test your business logic outside of the application server and without a database. You do not have to package your code and deploy it in the application. Also, you do not have to keep the database schema constantly in sync with the object model or spend time waiting for slow-running database tests to finish. Tests can run in a few seconds and development can happen at the speed of thought—or at least as fast as you can type!
Improved portability—You are not tied to a particular implementation technology. The cost of switching to the next generation of Java technology is minimized because you have to rewrite only a small amount of code, if any.


查看本站资料,POJO是相对EJB2提出的概念,EJB2的问题是部署难,部署慢,POJO对EJB2有优势,但是EJB升级到EJB3,也是POJO后,POJO再和Domain Model靠拢,就有些牵强,所以,POJO概念火一段之后就没气了,不要去较真。

