非官方Java Web框架总结: 就用Wicket

Not A Java Web Frameworks Survey: Just use Wicket! | Javalobby

作者个人观点,现在Web框架很多 jZeno, SpringMVC, Seam, Vaadin (at that time: IT-Mill Toolkit), MyFaces, Stripes, Struts, ItsNat, IWebMvc。作者从JSF到Rails到Vaddin等都投入使用过,作者列出Wicket十个理由:
great performance 好的性能
ease of use (highly subjective, of course),易用性
component based + no routing, 组件化
good documentation and active community,好文档
ajax fallback and simplicity, AJAX简化
quick get-started, 快速开始
out-of-the-box back-button support,
integrated testing support,
unbeaten separation of html and Java code无懈可击的Html和Java代码分离
and a simple guice integration