
程序员动机:how to make it?(如何构建它) 测试员动机:how to break it (如何打破它?)

5 年 前

Patterns and Frameworks (my first topic)

Just some feel from my view! In big IT companys, they prefer to have their own frameworks which

10 年 前

Why “J2EE Without EJB”?

"I believe that EJB is a declining technology, and within three years it will be relegated to

10 年 前


重构这个词语refactoring的德文定义: verschlimm bessern (V )to make something worse by a well-meaningbut

2 年 前

Using JCS in Hibernate

to put <jcs-cache usage="read-write" /> to my .hbm.xml file, but I don't know how to test it

20 年 前


我用jar命令生成后不能执行 显示"failed to load Main-class manifest attribute from ...." 到底应该怎么办啊?

20 年 前

转享:Ehcache 服务和RESTful Web Services

Intro to Ehcache Server and RESTful Web Services – CoffeeSix.com Ehcahe缓存服务器提供RESTful接口,;类似一些

10 年 前


5 Minute Guide to Clustering – Java Web Apps in Tomcat | Pragmatic Coder : Java, Wicket and the

10 年 前

Evans 原文解读

down to the most intrinsic characteristics, particularly those that identify it or are commonly used

10 年 前

Hadoop的FSShell命令报:ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server

start-mapred.sh starting namenode, logging to /home/hadoop/bin/../logs/hadoop-root-namenode-CephMDS.out

10 年 前

Strategy pattern

/designpattern_Strategy.htm ) in this website to talk about the question ; My question is that why

10 年 前


} 关系模型: relationship OneToOne {     Country{region} to Region } relationship OneToOne

5 年 前


version of the code, shown in Listing 7, to try to prevent the out-of-order write problem you just saw.

10 年 前

Hibernate 官方的介绍,大家给解读一下

stored-procedures to implement the business logic in the database, it is most useful with object-oriented domain

10 年 前


Programming Wisdom (@ CodeWisdom ) 于 8:37 下午 on 周四, 10月 18, 2018: "The sooner you start to code

5 年 前