

Actually you didnt read seam doc carefully!

Seam use annotation ,aop ejb3 to destory the J2EE develop mode (layer develop pattern ) . As everybody knows we have so many glue code (dao, service delegate etc). It works fine for J2EE, But We have annotation we have EJB3 and we have JPA, So EJB develop is not so difficult and POJOs Based!

The Seam is invented for that new Generation Technology.
Seam component is a mix of jsf backingbean(managed bean),service class(normally named as ***Manager or **Service. ) and It can maintain the states for your objects.

A core concept in seam is "Conversation". the Conversation is a business process which means a complete businees logic procssing loop. If you understand Conversation you understand seam on 75%.

Another thing is JBPM integration. You can use jbpm as seam component (Conversation context) both of process flow and page flow.

finally You can use seam romoting to get the benefit from ajax. this is another pretty cool characters.

Anyway, Seam is too new. and It is still under developing , That is why Gavin King suggest the JSR299 for webBean. I think it should become the major web develop method in 2-3 years.

So Folks It is the time to catch the Fashion in Java World. Hurry up!

btw I will try to write some chinese article to intruduce seam after I finish my current stuff.




hi, I support you!

Bangq: Please first understand the JSF , then comments on the Seam.

轻量企业应用框架 JBoss Seam
Lightweight Java Enterprise Application Frameworks: JBoss Seam


轻量应用开发框架是过去几年来Java社区的最大变化,从Spring Hibernate这样先锋,到AOP元注释metadata annotation推广,,一直到信的EJB 3.0(Java EE 5.0)等轻量框架正成为主流.

轻量框架的共同点是POJO模型,并且通过Ioc/Dependency Injection (DI)来实现POJO之间解耦。

主流轻量框架主要区别是他们如何实现容器内服务的配对和实现依赖的。The major differences between lightweight frameworks are how they wire container services together and implement Dependency Injection
例如:JdonFramework是auto-wiring,自动配置,Spring虽然也提供,但是专家不建议使用 ,参考一篇Spring使用十大注意点之类文章。

该文演示Seam如何将一个Domain Model Greeter注射到MVC的controller/Action中,以及Jsp中的页面标签如何直接显示Action的字段allGreeters的。个人认为:真是将Ioc技术玩到极致。

可是,且慢,我们有Evans DDD在旁,有Rich Domain Model这个设想,在Seam中将Model注射到Action中,按照DDDD,应该是Action这样的行为注射到RDM中。这种做法个人认为不可取,JdonFramework做法是:消灭了MVC中的Controller/Action,Jsp直接面对POJO Service.

I lost my old id so I just register a new one here to say that with your poor stupid English, you are not qualified to brag here, man.

Obviously any biz code in action controller would add bad smells here, I would rather prefer to use m-beans in the same way as Actions in struts 2.x.




Hi guy, look out here:

JSF action listener methods return a string-valued outcome that determines what page will be displayed next. A null outcome (or a void action listener method) redisplays the previous page. In plain JSF, it is normal to always use a JSF navigation rule to determine the JSF view id from the outcome. For complex application this indirection is useful and a good practice. However, for very simple examples like this one, Seam lets you use the JSF view id as the outcome, eliminating the requirement for a navigation rule. Note that when you use a view id as an outcome, Seam always performs a browser redirect.

Our session bean action listener performs the business and persistence logic for our mini-application. In more complex applications, we might need to layer the code and refactor persistence logic into a dedicated data access component. That's perfectly trivial to do. But notice that Seam does not force you into any particular strategy for application layering.

Furthermore, notice that our session bean has simultaneous access to context associated with the web request (the form values in the User object, for example), and state held in transactional resources (the EntityManager object). This is a break from traditional J2EE architectures. Again, if you are more comfortable with the traditional J2EE layering, you can certainly implement that in a Seam application. But for many applications, it's simply not very useful.

So, in a word that example is just example, framework is just toolbox, it's important but not more important, human's business knowledge and developing expierence are the most important for all projects.

blah blah blah boom boom boom blah blah blah boom boom boom

[该贴被Hiker于2007年01月23日 11:22修改过]







我很佩服banq,能一个人默默地这么多年 敢于做国内OPEN SRC 的旗手,这种精神,这种追究技术的意志就很让人感动!

希望国人多多务实,勤于实践,能多搞几个 JDON 也未曾不是好事!


" hi, I support you!

Bangq: Please first understand the JSF , then comments on the Seam."

citing not supported?
[该贴被shaucle于2007年02月14日 16:06修改过]