

不知道 java 对 heap 及 stack 如何定义。在我对 C 的理解中,堆和栈是这样定义的。

堆和栈公用同一块 mem 区域,但堆指针初始时 mem 的首(低)地址,而栈指向 mem 的尾(高)地址。


只要 heap 指针小于 stack 指针,则说明内存尚未分配完,还有可用内存,否则就内存溢出错误。


This is really a broad topic to be covered in a short note. even in java. But I guess normally it's matter to developer only when you need decide memory setting and cope with GC.
All java objects live in heap, so be prudent when setting the -Xmx and -Xms for heapsize; GC will work with the objects in the heap.
Stack is mainly used by local variables and threads, it rarely a matter to me during system turning.

Just my 2 cents.