

# create a new Rust binary application
cargo new rust-axum-email-server

#navigate to the project directory 
cd rust-axum-email-server

#fire up the server 
cargo watch -x run


#install dependencies
cargo add axum tokio -F tokio/full lettre serde -F serde/derive dotenv

通过参数-F <crate>/<feature>. 下载拉入以下依赖:

  • axum,我们的 Web 框架
  • tokio的全部功能, Rust 的异步运行时
  • lettre crate,Rust 的邮件程序库
  • serde的派生特性 ,一个用于解析 JSON 的 crate,
  • dotenv用于在开发中解析环境变量

此时,我们的应用程序清单 ( Cargo.toml) 将如下所示:
name = "rust-axum-email-server"
version =
edition =

# See more keys and their definitions at https:

axum =
dotenv =
lettre =
serde = { version =
"1.0.144", features = ["derive"] }
tokio = { version =
"1.21.1", features = ["full"] }


use axum::{response::Html, routing::get, Router};
use std::net::SocketAddr;

async fn main() {
    // build our application with a route
    let app = Router::new().route(
"/", get(handler));

// run it
    let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000));
"listening on http://{}", addr);

async fn handler() -> Html<&'static str> {
"<h1>Hello, World!</h1>")

这段是axum hello-word example的摘录。

我们首先从 axum 导入所需的模块以及SocketAddr从 Rust 标准库导入的模块,这SocketAddr是一个 IP 地址构建器。我们正在使用它来构造 localhost IP 地址,如下所示:

  let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000));

最后,我们将地址传递给我们的 Axum 服务器实例:


Axum 使用“handler”来表示我们通常在Node 的 Expressjs的controller等框架中类似功能。
控制器(或handler)本质上是接受和解析我们的 HTTP 请求并处理它们以返回 HTTP 响应的函数或方法。

async fn handler() -> Html<&'static str> {
    Html("<h1>Hello, World!</h1>")


   // build our application with a route
    let app = Router::new().route(
"/", get(handler));


一旦您在浏览器中访问https://,这个路由就会打印出“Hello World”。


#create a .env file
touch .env

填充 . env包含以下字段及其对应值的文件:

#the SMTP username, typically the full email address

#the SMTP password

#SMTP host

现在,让我们到 src/main.rs 创建我们的处理程序,一旦完成,我们将把处理程序挂载到路由中。
要做到这一点,请将 src/main.rs 的内容替换为下面的列表,注意注释和添加的片段:

use axum::{
    response::{Html, IntoResponse},
    routing::{get, post},
    Json, Router,
use dotenv::dotenv; // import the dotenv crate for parsing the `.env file`
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::env;
//for getting fields from the environment
use std::net::SocketAddr;
// import serde for parsing our struct to and from Json
//import the email library needed modules
use lettre::transport::smtp::authentication::Credentials;
use lettre::{Message, SmtpTransport, Transport};

/// define a structure that maps to the format of our HTTP request body
/// derive the Debug trait, this will allow, printing the struct in stdout
/// derive the Serializing trait, this will allow building up JSON
/// derive the Deserializing trait
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct EmailPayload {
    fullname: String,
    email: String,
    message: String,

//mount the tokio runtime to allow our main function to support asynchronous execution
async fn main() {
// build our application with a route
    let app = Router::new()
"/", get(handler))
//mount the handle to a path, using the HTTP POST verb
"/send-email", post(dispatch_email));

// run it
    let addr = SocketAddr::from(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3000));
"listening on http://{}", addr);

async fn handler() -> Html<&'static str> {
"<h1>Hello, World!</h1>")

/// define an email handler, the handler will take the user's email address and the message body
/// the parsed payload will be fed into the `lettre` library and finally, a response will be returned
async fn dispatch_email(Json(payload): Json<EmailPayload>) -> impl IntoResponse {
// println!("{:#?}", payload);
//destructure the HTTP request body
    let EmailPayload {
    } = &payload;

//contruct emil config
    let from_address = String::from(
"You <you@yordomain.com>");
    let to_address = format!(
"{fullname} <{email}>");
    let reply_to = String::from(
"You <you@yordomain.com>");
    let email_subject =
"Axum Rust tutorial";

    let email = Message::builder()

    let creds = Credentials::new(
"SMTP_USERNAME").expect("SMTP Username not specified "),
"SMTP_PASSWORD").expect("SMTP Password not specified"),

// Open a remote connection to SMTP server
    let mailer = SmtpTransport::relay(&env::var(
"SMTP_HOST").expect("SMTP Host not specified"))

// Send the email
    match mailer.send(&email) {
        Ok(_) => println!(
"Email sent successfully!"),
        Err(e) => panic!(
"Could not send email: {:?}", e),


  • 我首先从每个 crate 导入所需的模块

use dotenv::dotenv; // import the dotenv crate for parsing the `.env file`
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::env;
//for getting fields from the environment
use std::net::SocketAddr;
// import serde for parsing our struct to and from Json
//import the email library needed modules
use lettre::transport::smtp::authentication::Credentials;
use lettre::{Message, SmtpTransport, Transport};

  • 我定义了一个包含 HTTP 有效负载的数据结构,这是Axum Extractor所要求的,我将在以下部分中讨论它。

#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct EmailPayload {
    fullname: String,
    email: String,
    message: String,


  • 我初始化了dotenv crate以允许在开发中解析环境变量,然后我使用Axum的post方法将路由处理程序安装到/send-email路由上,处理服务器接受的请求。

    // build our application with a route
    let app = Router::new()
"/", get(handler))
//mount the handle to a path, using the HTTP POST verb
"/send-email", post(dispatch_email));

总结部分基本上是,插入我们的环境变量,解析我们的 HTTP 请求负载并发送电子邮件,并在控制台中打印响应。

对于测试,您可以使用任何您熟悉的 HTTP 客户端,最常见的是Curl和 Postman
但是,我发现Thunder Client使用起来更方便,因为它是一个 VS Code 扩展。这意味着我可以在舒适的情况下做任何事情。