Java UDP服务器和客户端源码 -javarevisited

new DatagramSocket to receive responses from the client       DatagramSocket serverSocket = new

3 年 前

再请教一个问题,关于文章[How to decouple the Observer/Observable object model]

文章地址: Java Tip 29: How to decouple the Observer/Observable object model 里面为什么增加一个ObserverQueue就能

20 年 前


Relational to CouchDB — CouchDB: The NoSQL Document Database 介绍了CouchDB特点 以及CouchDB安装方式,是CouchDB

10 年 前

AxonFramework / Axon-trader Domain model

provided stock items they want to sell, others indicate they want to buy stock items. If you want to

10 年 前


数组操作快,很多人喜欢用,但数组是定长的,难以动态扩展,一般用合并数组的办法。使用clone比较好实现数组拷贝: 英文: It is ok to use clone() for arrays.

20 年 前


: org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Failed to find InvokerProxyBindingMetaData for: 'entity-rmi-invoker'. Check the

20 年 前


stored in rows of the table. Finally, tables can be related to other tables, using primary and

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" to= "B" /> </module> <module id= "B" > <on event

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关于servlet mapping

Web application to which to forward it. The Web application selected must have the the longest

20 年 前


{ ForumMessageReply tmp;//create a Object // submit to jms,current state still not update,when JMS commit will

10 年 前


├── To Do List.xlsx ├── To Watch List.docx ├── Untitled Document.docx ├── Untitled

4 个月 前


SpaceX 正在利用其在制造和发射世界上最先进的火箭和航天器方面的经验,大规模部署具有 Direct to Cell 能力的星链卫星。 Direct to Cell 卫星最初将由

6 个月 前


。 Productive vs. creative: The most productive path is to imitate what already works. The most

6 年 前


trying to use userland TCP stacks to reduce every ounce of latency and the other half is using Ruby

4 年 前


ByteArrayInputStream ( barray ); 对象可以通过数据包传送: Writing Object to stream ------------------------- //create

20 年 前